2019 Kia Sorento vs 2019 Honda Pilot

Car Pros Kia Huntington Beach has a large selection of 2019 Kia Sorentos for sale now!

We know that when you are looking to buy a mid-size crossover vehicle like the Kia Sorento you want to make sure you have all of the facts before you make a decision, including how it measures up to the competitors in its class like the Honda Pilot. To make your buying experience easier, we’ve put together a very helpful comparison to help you see how the Kia Sorento beats the Honda Pilot in a head to head match up. 

The Kia Sorento comes in at a lower MSRP, has a better fuel economy, has a greater towing capacity, and a roomier interior. In short, in all the categories that are important to crossover vehicles, the Kia comes out on top.
Car Pros Huntington Beach is the Number One Kia retailer in Orange County. Our expert sales professional look forward to meeting you and your family and putting you behind the wheel of a brand new 2019 Kia Sorento. Call us today at 714-274-6176 or stop by our dealership located at 18835 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. We are open from 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. seven days a week for your convenience.